Monday, January 21, 2013

Head to Toe Red

Starting the week in one of my favorite colors (or lack thereof!) always helps me get off to a running start. From now 'til the end of the month is going to be particularly maddening so I'm calling on red to help me rise to the fun challenges ahead! Do you have a go-to color that energizes you to step up your game?

Racy Red Favorites:
so. sex.

 Red dresses and more! Last look coming in the Marissa Webb Spring '13 collection-- I can't wait!


  1. I live in black but red is definitely lights a fire under my butt!

  2. I really need red pants, and that power suit, just says Born to Hustle!

  3. Oh my! I have a serious crush on that first ensemble. Every bit of it is perfection...get into my closet, stat!
    XO Brynn

  4. Love all the red!
