Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Selfie: Yay or Nay?

Alright, people. We've all done it, or most of us anyways. I've posted a few for #ootd or to show off a new lip rouge but deep down I always feel like an all too vain poser. What I think is really silly? People who post selflies titled, "I'm bored" or "Just hanging out" or other paltry concerns that should never be let out into the world for lack of purpose. I mean, do we really need to see a picture of you sitting there bored? And actually even more silly, a selfie for the main purpose of "showing off" your chest, bum, or other protruding body parts, lips included. #notnecessary

This post is the product of this interesting article, "Know Your Selfie: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Self Sabotage." It obviously got me thinking about this social media-crazed, often over-sharing world we live in. Do you "selfie" or no? If you do on occasion, why? And do you feel as silly as I do?!

p.s. An entire blog devoted to "The Art of the Selfie." If you were undecided, I have a feeling this will get you firmly on one side of the fence or the other.
p.s.s. Follow me on instagram, guilty as selfie.


  1. Hi there, I just found your blog. It's adorable! I am totally weird around a camera...

  2. I've done a bit of research on teens and selfies for work and yeah it does come out of a place of vanity a bit. Younger generations (I call them the "me me me" kids) are so used to everything being personal and customizable especially when it comes to technology. Think: creating your custom avatar while playing wii. So the selfie is just one more way to connect tech and themselves. And a photo is sometimes much quicker and expressive than words, so it's become a new form of communication for teens/kids, and since everyone is doing it, it's not a weird thing. Have you heard of snapchat?

    Anyway, just a few little random thoughts. I guess if the kids are doing it, we'll do it too. :)

  3. To be honest, I think most of them come across as really vain. There are a few exceptions (and you are not one of the obvious offenders! ha), but so many people just post them constantly for no reason. I can understand if you're doing something cool or at an interesting location, but just sitting in your room posting photos of your face seems lame to me. :)

  4. hahahah love it!! I feel so uncomfortable with them but I think its important to share your face from time to time and there isn't always someone else around, ya know?

    I don't judge you for your selfies. Probably because you are adorable.

  5. Guilty as charged. I do it on occasion and sometimes I question my own motive. I love your selfies because you have fantastic style and your always switching it up.

    The Art of the, too much.

  6. I love this topic! I've posted a few when I was wearing what I thought was a fun outfit or I did something special to my hair of make up but I always feel a bit awkward and self conscious tbh. I guess this means I will never be a fashion blogger, haha

  7. My selfies are usually just of accessories - or a really cute outfit I was excited about ;) - so I guess I don't consider mine to be AS "vain" as straight up face shots.. but maybe I'm just trying to justify my own vanity!

    Interesting comments so far.. can't wait to hear what others have to say!

    xx, Eleanor

  8. love this post/topic. So true. I am guilty of selfie i think sometimes are we not all at one point or another?


  9. My BCF holds the crown for selfies. She titles them, "my own vanity."

    I'm not good at it.

  10. I don't really take them, but I think they can be tastefully done. Same as anything else really, including posts across social media platforms.
