Wednesday, February 6, 2013

28 Days of Things I Love: A Good Mantra

I'm forever repeating different mantras to myself as if they are magic spells that will instantly transform any situation into something wonderful-- somehow they help me concentrate and focus. I love this one so much, "Act Like A Lady, Work Like A Boss" that I put it on a pencil. Gold Engraved Pencils that will hopefully help me write out a few groundbreaking ideas for Society Social ;) They make for a pretty cheery and motivational workspace too! Do you have a favorite mantra? In what situations do you find yourself repeating it?

Here are a few of my favorites and if you'd like a set of your own "magic" pencils you can design a set of 24 here for only $7.50! Love them.


  1. Those pencils are so glam, my favorite mantra before a big event/meeting is 'Megs you got this,there's so many people out there but none like you'

    xo Meg

  2. The link keeps bringing me back to this blog, do I order them from your blog or somewhere else?

  3. I love the pencils...must order some ASAP! the problem, the link is linking back to your I purchase from SS??

  4. I'm having the same issue, would love to order the pencil but not sure where? thanks and love your blog!

  5. I'm curious too! lol, where are the pencils from?

  6. My mantra is "all roads lead to my personal satisfaction." I even had it engraved on my iPod!

  7. I've always really loved "alis volat proprii," but "act like a lady, work/think like a boss" is another favourite. Love that you can put them on pencils for a nice reminder while working!
