Monday, February 4, 2013

28 Days of Things I Love: Large Scale Art

Art on a grand scale can dramatically anchor an entire room or even make a small space feel bigger. It's a bold move but when done right it can make such a beautiful statement. I think in our next place we're going to have to go big or go home :) And on that note, hope everyone is getting off to a great start!

Grandiose Art:
I need the first one.
Second row, first one on the left.
Pink & Yellow or maybe just all of them.


  1. I'm a huge fan of huge art so I totally enjoyed this post.

  2. I am loving this series!! Just caught up on the previous ones, too!

  3. Do you have the source for the third image? I'm in LOVE with the horse fabric on the chair and would love to find out where to get the fabric.

  4. Large, colourful art pieces can definitely liven up any room.
