Tuesday, February 12, 2013

28 Days of Things I Love : Maple Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies

I was lucky enough to spend yesterday working a photo shoot with so many talented women- Tamra, Thea, Patricia, Courtney, Gabrielle, Liz from Marisa PerryChellise, and Ellen. (Who rules the world? Girls.) We came together at the hip Wythe Hotel in Williamsburg, who I have to say were such welcoming hosts, in this stunning space. It wasn't hard to be inspired!

We worked straight through lunch so when I got home I was extremely ravenous and only craving the kind of food you crave when it's cold, rainy, and you're too tired to think. Alan ordered three whole pizzas. 3. My best friend Kristin who was in town for work came over with a bottle of wine. (I miss her face.)

And I baked Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies. One of the steps was "Pour the bacon grease into the batter." mmm hmmm.

As far as the shoot, everyone worked so well together that I'm sure you'll be able to tell in the outcome! I can't disclose too many details, (it was amazing!) but here's a sneak peek of the adorable models and more on my instagram! Oh, and one of my bar carts made a quick cameo too. Overall, a victorious a day :)

Note: My recipe was from Alan's Men's Health mag, but the photo is from this recipe that you should definitely try!


  1. Totally looks delish , I will have to try it . Great post.

    xo Meg


  2. oh i need to make some of those cookies.
