Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Portrait

After a wonderful Easter service and a mimosa filled brunch, Makai decided he wanted an Easter portrait...

...welp, we tried. Happy Easter, friends :)

Unfortunate Update: And later, my brother and I discovered him eating a baby bunny he caught in our yard. A real one. On Easter of all...! We are not on speaking/belly rub terms.


  1. haha his cute , hope you had a wonderful Easter

    xo Meg<3

  2. So cute! It's always entertaining trying to get dogs to cooperate

  3. Haha! They never want to pose for pictures, it always ends up as a belly rub opportunity :) Love your wolf!

  4. Makai! I was going to comment on how beautiful he is and how sweet he looks, but that last update makes me so confused. How could he?!
