Monday, March 11, 2013

Something New: Outfit Post

A few weeks ago my friend Angela, founder of Style Closet Life and a successful stylist here in the city, came over to "remix" my closet. I'm pretty settled into my comfort zone (it's just easy!) and truthfully try to limit the shopping so it was really fun watching Angela work her magic on some of my favorite pieces, many of which I never would've thought to put together. It was such an interesting exercise!

Angela and I happen to be from the same small town in North Carolina with many mutual friends from high school and college, but we've never actually met in person. It was great catching up over clothes and a brilliant stroke of luck on my part that a stylist who has worked with major Hearst mags and many a celebrity bring new life to my tired outfits. (Isn't she the cutest? :)
The sheer polka dot blouse and lounge-y stripe knit from her first look get lots of wear on their own, but I really never thought to layer them up. I was unsure of the ensemble as soon as I put it on, but it immediately became one of my favorite outfits of the day!

Who needs to shop when you have Angela? Have you recently shopped your closet for "new outfits?" Outfit posts are not a common thing around here-- I would love to hear what you think. More looks to come!

**Big shout-out to Amen of Rare Module for all the photos (I told him to make me look skinny) and video!!**


  1. Such a cute outfit. I like it. Polka dots and stripes and torn jeans can't go wrong with that ! You look pretty too.


  2. These are a few of my favorite things: polka dots, strips, and bright lipstick! I love the combination of patterns, it just works! Love. - Elle from

  3. Chic layer! Gotta love her style so fab. Got my eye on your next posts.
