Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pineapple Crush / Photo Shoot Behind The Scenes

I'm having a minor obsession. I sent my amused (insert less than amused) sister to buy out a local grocery store. Can you imagine a shopping cart filled to the brim with spunky, spiky pineapples? I couldn't stop laughing.

We did something a little ridiculous with them at the Society Social studio-- stay tuned for a reveal and a chance to win one shiny brass pineapple. For now, here's a little behind the scenes set building from the SS HQ! 

Did I mention I desperately need a full-time intern? I promise it would be fun :)


  1. This is kinda sorta awesome!! People always tell me my hair do's look like a pineapple so I have a mild pineapple obsession! Can't wait to see what you did for the shoot!

    Ergo - Blog

  2. Haha I'm now laughing at work over the picture with all the pineapples (the real ones!) in it.

  3. why can't I line in NY, I would love to intern for you.


  4. I love this!! The pineapple inspiration is perfect for Summer! xx. McKenna Lou
    P.S. Have you entered into our giveaway's yet? Enter into our Octavia Bloom Giveaway for some lovely jewelry, and/or our Perfect Shirt giveaway (2 winners total)!

  5. Never thought there'd be a day I'd say this but I'm loving those pineapple earrings.

    Meghan Silva's Blog

  6. Get outta here! I so so so wish I was in NY! This is all just so fab! xoxo

  7. loving that print on the floor! so wish i could give up my mommie duties and day job and turn back the clock about 15 years...i'd be your intern in a hot second!
