Thursday, May 16, 2013

Send a Love Note to a Stranger

Love notes and thinking of you notes are totally underrated. This sweet little letter unexpectedly popped into my inbox; I was immediately struck with curiosity then pure delight. Although we've exchanged a few emails, I've never met this person, I hardly know much about her (except that she is an amazing business woman that I admire), and by society norms we'd be strangers (but not for long if I have anything to do with it ;) if given the chance to be in the same room. I was totally caught off guard by her kind gesture and even though this was sent a few months ago her thoughtfulness continues to stick with me, especially on tough "why me?!" days. Have you sent an unexpected note lately? I think the world is lacking, let's change that.

Whether it's to an unsuspecting loved one or to an even more unsuspecting stranger, here are some adorable cards that I really think we should snatch up and send off.  :) Who would you write to?

1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest thing ever! Love how such small gestures can make such big impacts on someone. :)
