Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekend Picture Book: How to Have a Glorious Weekend

Get your hair done. For the first time in 9 months. Then continue to feel like this the rest of the weekend.

Try out a new restaurant, one that serves your Mr.'s most favorite dish, Ramen Misoya in the East Village

Go to a familiar standby for after dinner cocktails for two. Then (slow) walk the 20some blocks home :)

Get dolled up in that dress (on major super sale) and those heels you bought even though, "I have nowhere to wear this to..." 

Celebrate a dear friend. Happy SURPRISE birthday, Tam! Priceless. Love ya girl!

Make new friends and "dance til dawn."

End the weekend taking it easy around the neighb aka taking full advantage of living in the big city (read: seamless) then watch the 15 Mad Mens you've missed while traveling.
Hope you had a glorious weekend! See you this week!

{Birthday Pics by Cassie Castellaw Photography}


  1. you look gorgeous and deserved a fab weekend! can't wait to see the new magalog!!

  2. That's a weekend out of Sex & The City!! You look fab! :)
