Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weekend Picture Book: My Baby Sister Turned 21!

Can you believe my baby sister was 12 when I turned 21? (Yes, that makes me almost 30, hangin' on!) She flew up from NC over the weekend to celebrate with her big sis, the biggest lush she knows- smart move, little, smart move. We kicked off the weekend at Dry Bar.

Good thing our blowouts flattened in approx 30 seconds due to the nastiest, rainiest Saturday possible, but it was fun nonetheless. Naturally we both ordered some "Southern Comfort" then proceeded to do brunch, mani/pedis, and a shopping spree for the birthday girl.
The rest of the weekend was filled with dinners out, more brunch, and cocktails of course! Maharlika in particular was a highlight, a modern take on Filipino food in the East Village. They seriously had it all-- spam (personally...ew), head-on prawns (just like we Asians like it), banana ketchup (!), Sky Flakes, longganisa, pandesal, avocado shakes (just like my grandfather likes)... I was in homeland heaven.  I ordered the Eggs Imelda and ate with fork, annnnd, spoon. So Asian. 
Because Maharlika's liquor license is pending (they graciously called to let us know before hand, could you imagine the horror of finding out on sight?!), we headed to The Toucan and the Lion for a little after brunch booze. It was right around the corner from Maharlika and so cute. We sat at the front communal style table, the large front windows flung open, and enjoyed the most beautiful Sunday.
Katarina ordered what I like to call "real cocktails" i.e. the Crimson and Clover (tequila at noon? that's my girl) and the Genmaicha Russian versus a rum and coke, vodka cran, and other cocktails of that less thoughtful variety while Alan and I had "mimosas" (sub plum ginger juice for oj!) and bloody marys.  I proceeded to break out into the Asian glow; it obviously induces peace-sign hand gestures.
Alan and I spent the rest of Sunday walking up and down the island of Manhattan, quite literally, it took us about 3 hours! It was so breezy and unseasonably cool that we couldn't resist putting on our walking shoes and soaking up the sun. We walked the length of East River Park catching up over the last month since I've been traveling then explored unfamiliar-to-us neighborhoods, making a list along the way of restaurants and bars to try, of course!  
It was a perfect way to end the weekend. Gosh, I love NYC! Hope you've gotten off to a great start-- I'm a little swamped as you can tell by the late weekend recap. See you this week!


  1. Aw, sounds like the perfect birthday weekend!!!

  2. banana ketchup is a staple in our house!
