Thursday, June 6, 2013

New! A Room Recipe.

Lots of things happening behind the scenes at the ol' biz! I can't believe it will be two years in August. Silly new arrivals, exciting new partnerships, a new magalog launching very soon, welcoming a new SS team member... :)

...official announcements are in the works and one more big one, a milestone rather, coming later this summer but for now I hope you enjoy this new column at The Social Diary, Room Recipe, featuring the new Chesterfield sofa, the new Cleo table, and new Chevron pillow in Jonathan Adler orange. New seems to be the word of the day! What's new with you? New shoes? New home?  New read? New favorite cocktail? Share your news!


  1. Love the color of the pillow. Very bright and summery!

  2. I'm obsessed with that pillow!

  3. Almost 2 years? My how time flies! I still remember stumbling across your website shorty after your launch and becoming instantly obsessed. And I still am :)

