Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Food Adventures: Summer Eats (no, I'm not a hippie, I just want to rock my bikini)

2-4 oz. daily is said to aid in digestion, improve circulation, detoxify the body, and clean from the inside! You can find it at Trader's for $7.99/gallon, but beware- it's for your health, not for taste!!
{image via}

Light, sweet, and a perfect way to start a summer day.  Aside from fruit, I add ice, organic soy milk, and flax seeds.  Looking for ways to to mix it up?  See here for unique smoothie adds like rosewater, avocado, and even grated ginger!
{via USAgoodfood}

I can't get enough of tomatoes in the summer time!  I've been throwing together a simple salad of chopped tomatoes and avocado slices and drizzling them with olive oil for quick, light meals.  While the two combined are delicious, I was even more delighted when I found out here that together, they're just as nutritious too! 
{via Adrienneats}

I've heard many good things about this little grain-like seed so I finally threw a box of it into my Trader Joe's bag.  Quinoa is a complete protein and a good source of the following: magnesium, fiber, manganese, and copper.  Hopefully it's tasty too!  See here for unique quinoa recipe ideas and see if you can guess the chosen recipe for my first quinoa dish!
{via 101cookbooks)

I attended my best friend's birthday get together last weekend, and although I was short on time, I decided to make the banana bites recently featured on Cup of Jo.  Dark chocolate and fruit is good for you , right?  They were snatched up in a flash and judging by the multiple recipe requests, not just because they were the only sweets on the table!  I used crushed peanuts and toasted coconut.  
{via Cup of Jo}

In the summertime, looking good in your bikini is essential, but starvation is not.  Do you have beach and pool friendly recipe suggestions?  Please share!  I need all the help I can get.
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Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Ohmygooodness!! You are making me crazy with these posts honey!! I especially love the banana balls!! Defffinitely trying them at home! :) Do join my facebook page too if you like! :)

this free bird said...

call me crazy, but i LOVE that trader joe's aloe!!! it really is so good for you!!


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