Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Picture Book I

Hi my darlings! We just walked in the door from our weekend extravaganza, and I couldn't wait to share bits of our trip with you. A and I flew to LA to attend the Open Hearts Inaugural charity gala at Jane Seymour's home in Malibu. We proudly had our rent-a-Kia valeted (right behind Emmit Smith's town car and before a sweet Benz...entirely ludicrous, we could not stop laughing), I got my pic with Robin Roberts from GMA, met India Arie who is insanely down to earth and super cool, and lots of money was raised for a good cause! Did I mention the party was sponsored by Patron? Heaven.

I must unpack before the week and wash off these airport germs, so I'll share many more moments from our trip tomorrow. Can't wait to catch up with y'all! Until then, kisses loves :)
Lorraine Te said...

love these guys look so cute. (does the backdrop remind you of something? hint:market)

Mandy said...

Oh my gosh Roxy!! That sounds like such a fun event (if Patron was a sponsor...I'd predict it was amazing)! Your red dress is gorgeous.

Have a great week.


Ash said...

sounds like fun! I love these pictures.. your outfits are perfect-o!

A Crimson Kiss said...

These photos are too sweet-sounds like a wonderful weekend!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

What a fun event in LA! Those pictures are funny.

Gabriella said...

You look radiant! Look forward to seeing more!

the STYLE SPY said...

i am sure you had an amazing time! cant wait to read more about it!

FMPH said...

Cute!!! <3

jenn from midlife modern said...

Oooh, la la! Someone had a glamorous weekend! You two look great in these photos. Is red your signature color?

Anonymous said...

Your blog is darling! So glad I came across it!

New follower :)


Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

Sounds like it was so much fun!!!

Heart Charlie said...

You two look GORGEOUS!!! Omg, your smile can light up a room!! I love both of your outfits and the awesome backdrop ;)

Caitlin said...

You look beautiful! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Happy unpacking :)

Anonymous said...

how CUTE ARE YOU TWO! i can't wait to see more...


the southern hostess said...

Sounds like so much fun!

Amber said...

A's eyes are open!!! Glad you had a blast. Phone date very soon. Weekend maybe?

KC said...

You looked so beautiful! What a fun adventure, I bet you have so many awesome stories from the night!

ashley nicole catherine said...

so cute! you look gorgeous!


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