Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend Picture Book: Te Family Time

This weekend started off like this. Remember, my favorite Manhattan Wine Co.? Ever since that first case, my parents have not been able to go back to grocery store wine. (Their options are Wal-mart and Lowes Foods, after all!) I made a promise that each time Dad is in the country, which is not often these days, that they will be efficiently stocked with tasty, interesting wines. They are successfully spoiled. Oops:)
Since we probably won't be all together again until July, we squeezed in a lot of family time in North Carolina. Mom, sis, and I on our way to 9AM mass...
...followed by brunch! Waitress, "Would you like mimosas?" Mom, "FOUR!"
We have been going to the same place for about 20 years; it's hosted everything from my sister's and my Filipino 18th Debuts to Dad's raucous 50th, and our wedding! It has gotten a little fancier over the years. Now that is a Chesterfield...
And last but not least, this little stinker, Makai Te, enjoyed himself thoroughly. Apparently, he is extra mischievous when I am visiting.  This is his guilty face after treating a couple chairs like trampolines. 
I hope y'all had a great weekend, too:) Off to another family dinner! xo!! 


  1. hi dear! i just found your blog and i love it! would you like to follow each other?

  2. Aw, it looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Isn't family time the best?! :)
