Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekend Picture Book: Thank the Lord for Girlfriends

I spent the weekend with my beautiful best friends. Tall blonde bombshells, I tell you. Friday after work I rushed home, dropped my bags, put on my boots and headed out to the barn. Kelly and I have known each other since we were 15. We drank vodka out of water bottles in college and danced our tooshies off wherever we went. She was by my side when I walked down the aisle.

It's Dr. Wentz to all you folk now, and I can't tell you how proud I am of her. She's a doctor of veterinary medicine with a focus in equine, and, has wanted to be for as long as I can remember. She did it (!) and she's been teaching me how to ride.

I've only ever been on a horse a few times in my life so she lets me ride her first horse (ever), his name is Hollywood. He's 27, loves to eat grass, and walks reaaal slow. Kelly and I rode into the sunset, literally, talked about late 20-something highs and lows, then polished off the two beers (one each-- college has obviously long past ;) I swiped from the extra refrigerator at my parents' house.
On Saturday my amazing girlfriends drove an hour to have lunch with me. I usually head up their way when I'm in North Carolina but they knew I had a lot going on, so thoughtfully volunteered to come to come out to the country. (ha!) We celebrated Cinco a day early with margs and mexican at a local restaurant.
Sarah, Kristin, and I have probably spent more time together than anyone else I know-- two years trapped together in a buying office then the bars, by choice, on the weekends ;) Despite moving around the country, we always always keep in touch. Our last big throwdown was in NYC.
Makai Te took advantage of all the pretty ladies around. Smart boy.
If you're reading this, my brother and I are on the road on our way to a big work week, but I hope y'all have a wonderful time polishing off the rest of your weekend. Do it up extra for us!

{First two pics by my talented brother!}

1 comment:

  1. Jealous! Since I moved to Spain, all my girlfriends have been oh so far away...

    Looks like a lovely weekend :-)
