Friday, April 23, 2010

To my baby brother...

I have not always been the best big sister, case in point the photo above...

The outright shamelessness -was that really the only party hat in the birthday supplies stash?

The hell bent look on my face. AND the blatant disregard for the confusion and hurt in yours...

And if that wasn't enough!!!!

The ultimate. Most despicable smackdown to be had on the anniversary of one's birth.

I just had to do it. Your 1 and only candle blown out quicker (albeit with the assistance of our own mother) then you could shed a baby tear down your little baby cheek!!

And here I am again...

...writing about my. self. On YOUR BIRTHday.

Oh, brother!!!
I just wanted to tell you on your birfday...
I'm so proud of you for going on not only such a faraway adventure, but for making a difference in childrens' lives and having the strength to make it on your own! I wish I could be there to make a big to-do about your birthday, and this time-
without stealing the show. PINKY SWEAR.
25 candles for you and maybe one little pink one for me? Just kidding! ;)
Happy Birthday LT!!
Your big sis
p.s. I have not forgotten that your birthday is on the 24th. Due to the whack time change, I had to make appropriate accommodations.
Amber said...

That picture is hilarious. Roxy, I can't believe you blew out his candle haha! When I first started reading I thought it was San's bday because he is the baby brother?... Anyways, Happy Birthday Lawrence!
Rox have fun in the city!

Heart Charlie said...

Awww you blew out his candle?! Hahaha! That is actually very incredibly cute ;) Also even cuter that you remember it! Happy birthday to your brother!

Andee said...

this is the sweetest post ever! Happy Birthday Lawrence!!

lawrence said...

oh dear sis. i just tell myself that you were jealous of me and wanted all the attention. otherwise how could i sleep at night? thank you for the lovely post and hopefully this time next year we will be together to celebrate.

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