Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A New Year with Note to Self

Introducing Sarah Tolzmann of Note to Self! She's here to share her proudest of 2011 and high hopes for 2012. It's a New Year, afterall!
a snapshot of Sarah's midnight revelries
My proudest accomplishment in 2011?
My proudest accomplishment of 2011… was finding a balance between my hobby as a blogger and my graduate program. Both sort of demand a lot of attention, and I never expected that the "twain could ever meet." But midway through last year I decided to just take a chance, make some changes, and go after new opportunities whenever possible. Working with Matchbook and blogging itself has become a challenging creative outlet and a wonderful compliment to my work. I think it goes without saying that design in action is much more fun than design in theory!

My greatest aspiration for 2012?
…is to finally graduate with my Master's! Going back to school is one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it has also created a new passion for what I can do. I'm thankful for all that I've learned, and am excited (and a little nervous) to see where it takes me - hopefully back to NYC so I can have cocktails with you, Roxy!