Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Get Your Gift On | The New Baby Daddy : Bow Ties, Booze, and Babies

{Okay, so those are really hair clips from Need Supply, but wouldn't they make awesome bow ties?! You can find the whiskey eau de toilette at Hickoree's Hard Goods.}

I believe it takes a real man to pull off a bow tie with manliness intact. A whiff of whiskey eau de toilette and he's sure to prove he's got hair on his chest. Did someone say whiskey? Well...

{I'd rather "make that a double" on "Daddy's pacifier!"}

...for those of you men with wifeys bumpin' buns in the oven (no offense, I'm terrified and no promise of a pricey push present could convince me otherwise), I thought you'd appreciate these cheeky little onesies. This is the gift you would probably find under your Christmas tree from the girl (me) throwing back hard cocktails at your baby shower. You could probably also count on unwrapping books with titles such as Love in the Time of Colic: Getting it On Again or Sex After Baby because we all know how your hot little mama turned into your hot little baby's mama.
Design Blooms said...

Ha! you are too funny-love your blog-excited to see all the cool and inspiring things you'll share!

20 YORK STREET said...

See, told you, I love the way you write!

p.s. You make me smile babe!

Sarah said...

haha...this post made me laugh! do you think we will ever have kids?!?

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