Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Preoccupied...and winding down...

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(This photo makes me swoon..)

I spent the day running errands a.k.a. replacing broken wine/martini glasses (so the above would be possible) and simultaneously getting utterly lost in Crate and Barrel, kickboxing to Tik Tok (yes, I do burpees and squats to, "Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack 'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back"), and preparing for a mini, long overdue dinner party with our 4th Ward neighbors! Last time was a fail, so forgive me if I seemed a little preoccupied today.
Cheers dahhhlings,

p.s. I love to eat too much not to share..sooo Food Adventures featuring tonight's dinner soon to come. xoxo
Linda said...

Oh ..a Martini?! mmm very good!

Liz said...

haha that song is the best work out song! totally pumps you up! :)

ashlina {the decorista} said...

loving your food discussions...and this photo...yum!

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