Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Reporting live...

So I have a mini confession to make loves, the past few days my posts have been scheduled as I did not want to leave you hanging, and I was not sure how long it would take me to make it back/recover from the city- and therefore these posts have not been very reflective of my current introspective state.

I found out here, that April is National poetry month (I can't believe I almost missed it!), and since ardent language and words arranged in beautiful unexpected melodies are so my Cup of Te, I thought I'd take the rest of the month to share some old faves and new discoveries.

Finding an old mantra extra comforting today...so enough with my own words and on with the poetry! This one is by Mary Carolyn Davies...

Make ME too brave to lie or to be unkind,
Make me too understanding, too, to mind
The little hurts companions give, and friends,
The careless hurts that no one quite intends,
Make me too thoughtful to hurt others so,
Help me to know
The inmost hearts of those for whom I care,
Their secret wishes, all the loads they bear,
That I may add my courage to their own,
May I make lonely folks feel less alone,
And happy ones a little happier yet,
May I forget
What ought to be forgotten; and recall
Unfailing, all
That ought to be recalled, each kindly thing,
Forgetting what might sting,
To all upon my way,
Day after day,
Let me be joy, be hope. Let my life sing.

Unknown said...

I love that Roxy! It reminds me of one of my favorite prayers which is the St. Francis of Assissi prayer, where he says things like "Help me to comfort rather than to be comforted." Very inspiring!

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

Oh such a sweet poetry! It shows how much of a caring and loving person you are!! :) And I love your blog!! Following you for more!

The Jodi(e)s said...

Roxy, that poem is gorgeous!
I love love love every single line.
'Let my life sing.' - brilliant.

Thank you so much for your comments on my blog! I really appreciate when people are out for real connections and meeting new friends rather than just looking for more comments and followers. Thanks for your beautiful genuine-ness.

Unknown said...

A prayer for everyday indeed! I have never read this before, but now that you showed it to me, I know I will read it again and again!

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