Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm back! Champagne and Elderflower anyone?

 {Poppin' bottles because life is a celebration!} 

Hi loves! I can't believe it's almost been a week since I've seen you last. The past several days have been a whirlwind- 

I finished my first, and possibly only, interior design-on-a-freakin-dime project, 
hopped a (quite turbulent) plane where I met the coolest couple bound for studies in the middle east
caught up with my roomies from Parsons here,
paid homage to my college days at a tailgate by polishing off my flip cup and beer pong skills, 
spent much needed QT with family over a surprise birthday
and due to the celebratory note that traveling and reunions take on- drank lots and lots of my most favorite... bubbly!  

I have many pictures to share, but while I settle back into my own place (thank goodness!), you should definitely pour yourself one of these...

{A champagne cocktail made with the most delicious elderflower liqueur!}

It's not quite 5:00 here, but I'm sure it is somewhere. Cheers loves!
christine, just bella said...

cheers!! This sounds delish, I love me some bubbly!!

Natalie said...

That champagne sounds perfect right about now. :)

PearlsAndGreenTea said...

Yum! I die for anything mixed with champagne! Can't wait to see all the updates!!

allergic to vanilla said...

this stuff is da bomb!!! love me some Elderflower with champers! Had it at the Empire Hotel bar, it was called The Sparkling Stiletto ;)


20 YORK STREET said...

Love love this photo of you! I completely agree, life is a celebration!




Anonymous said...

I'll take anything with champagne...! but preferably with peach (= Bellini) :-)

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