Sunday, October 23, 2011


Me & You Diagram via Etsy

Hi Darlings! What did you do this weekend? I've spent it working at High Point market and honestly feel a bit burnt out between Society Social and another new company launch. I'm exhausted, and I've seen the Mr. a total of two days in two months. Tough. And not to mention crazy, right?! Did y'all get to spend time with loved ones? I'd love to hear about it! Can't say I won't be a little jealous ;)

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Oh wow. Had nop idea you launched another company. That is wonderful!

We had a fun family day. Thank you for asking. It was very chill and very sweet.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, 2 days in 2 months?! So sorry!! BUT all of the hard work will pay off and be worth it:-) We are lucky to have supportive men right?!

Unknown said...

Get yourself up to NYC pronto :)

Julia - the Urban Slant said...

Aw -- go see your man stat! I was in Beaver Creek celebrating the engagement of my brother -- be sure to check out my blog later today!

Sydney Carver Snyder said...

I just came across your blog and I love it!!!

The Peak of Tres Chic said...

I had a blast in Las Vegas with friends but didn't end up running into Prince Harry. :( I know all your hardwork will pay off. I hope your week has gotten off to a great start, dear!

Samantha said...

Aww, no fun.

btw, I have been seeing Society Social all over the blogosphere lately. You are big time, girl.

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