You love me! You really love me!

Okay, well love might be a strong word, BUT I'm just as flattered and thrilled for the nod given to me by two fabulous blogs! I apologize for the amount of time it has taken me to respond as I have been on the road, here and here- it by no means reflects my gratitude and excitement !!!
As part of my acceptance speech, I am required to share 7 interesting things about myself and then name 7 blogs to whom I would like to pass on the award!
First up! In keeping with my blog's mission, I will share 7 things that not only tell you a little about who I am, but that are also My Cup of Te :)
1) Joy. To be joyful.
After sticking it to the man and leaving a job that held me accountable for a $35 million dollar area (my head hurts even thinking about it), I have found myself full of joy each morning I wake. Some have dared to quip that I too, as Tenley from the latest season of the Bachelor, dream in cartoons.
2) NYC
I finished my college education at The New School- Parsons and have since festered a raging love affair with all things NY. In the 3 years I have been away, I have managed to visit 15 or so times, reminiscing in all my old haunts and always managing to find a new love. I dream of moving back despite the inevitable dip in the standard of living I will have to endure.
3) Helping each other along the way
I truly believe in giving back! One of my greatest achievements (check that off the bucket list!) was running the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Team in Training. I cried the last two miles (Have you ever felt the bones crunch in your feet?), but it was more than worth it for a good cause! Currently, I volunteer for Habitat for Humanity managing social networking for the local ReStore!
4) Pearls
I love them. 9 out of 10 days you will find my ears adorned with simple pearl studs from my native land- the Philippines!
5) Belly Laughs and Twirls
My bcf (best cousin friend!) and I twirling in the streets of Manhattan
Remember my initial In My Cup of Te posting? Well, personally belly laughs and twirls go best hand in hand. After a good belly laugh and a twirl or two (not restricted to the dance floor, in fact it's even better if it's in the street!), I feel that all is right in the world! You know you've gotten a good one out of me when my nose crinkles, apparently this is what I've been told happens when my heart is about to burst with joy!
6) Big dreams
"Within your heart keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go, and sheltered so, may thrive and grow-- where doubt and fear are not. Oh, keep a place within your heart, for little dreams to go." ~Louise Driscoll
During my time off to re-group, re-energize, and re-discover what I love about life, I've dreamt of everything from becoming a designer of sorts to polishing up on my acting skills (an obvious joke, but something the girls and I would resort to when we were delirious at work ;), and now #1,005, 879 on the list of what I want to be when I grow up- a writer/editor, or at this point I will even take being the coffee run girl, for a glamorous glossy!
7) Vintage lover
Give me the days when women wore hats and head scarves, donned driving gloves, and dressed as glamorously as Edie Sedgwick or Julianne Moore (in A Single Man) even if it was only to lounge on a fabulous chaise. Yes, sometimes I long for eras past and fill this desire on treasure hunts in thrift stores and flea markets!
Next up, I must pass the beautiful blogger torch onto 7 deserving bloggers! I have chosen each one for different reasons, but all of which call for admiration and imitation in the sincerest form!
Heart Charlie for her effortless, downtown style and inspiring outfits
Kristin of Summers in Paris for her good, slash that- great eye for all things fabulously fashionable
Sarah of The Blonde Giraffe for following her heart no matter what
Lindsey of Fifi Cheek for inspiring great style from fashion to interiors and all things in between
Jodi of Passport in my Pocket for her adventurous spirit and acting upon her wanderlust
Katie of the Neo-traditionalist for sharing stories about creative women who are trying to make a name for themselves- go girls!
Adrienne of Adrienneats for sharing delicious recipes coupled with mouth-watering original photography that inspire me to eat my veggies
A final thanks goes out to the sweet darlings who gave me this shout out-
Mackenzie of Design Darling who is currently romping around Europe and being so gracious as to share her adventures allowing for those like me to live vicariously! She's also learning to speak French, and if you know me, you know my obsession for toutes les choses francaises!
And In Sniff's Choos, who I'm hoping has made it back safely, despite the volcanic ash, from her fabulous trip to the Apple! She has a major obsession with shoes, which we can all relate to and has a strength that can only come from surviving breast cancer!
Cheers to you both!! :)
As part of my acceptance speech, I am required to share 7 interesting things about myself and then name 7 blogs to whom I would like to pass on the award!
First up! In keeping with my blog's mission, I will share 7 things that not only tell you a little about who I am, but that are also My Cup of Te :)
1) Joy. To be joyful.

2) NYC

3) Helping each other along the way

4) Pearls

5) Belly Laughs and Twirls
Remember my initial In My Cup of Te posting? Well, personally belly laughs and twirls go best hand in hand. After a good belly laugh and a twirl or two (not restricted to the dance floor, in fact it's even better if it's in the street!), I feel that all is right in the world! You know you've gotten a good one out of me when my nose crinkles, apparently this is what I've been told happens when my heart is about to burst with joy!
6) Big dreams

During my time off to re-group, re-energize, and re-discover what I love about life, I've dreamt of everything from becoming a designer of sorts to polishing up on my acting skills (an obvious joke, but something the girls and I would resort to when we were delirious at work ;), and now #1,005, 879 on the list of what I want to be when I grow up- a writer/editor, or at this point I will even take being the coffee run girl, for a glamorous glossy!
7) Vintage lover

Next up, I must pass the beautiful blogger torch onto 7 deserving bloggers! I have chosen each one for different reasons, but all of which call for admiration and imitation in the sincerest form!
Heart Charlie for her effortless, downtown style and inspiring outfits
Kristin of Summers in Paris for her good, slash that- great eye for all things fabulously fashionable
Sarah of The Blonde Giraffe for following her heart no matter what
Lindsey of Fifi Cheek for inspiring great style from fashion to interiors and all things in between
Jodi of Passport in my Pocket for her adventurous spirit and acting upon her wanderlust
Katie of the Neo-traditionalist for sharing stories about creative women who are trying to make a name for themselves- go girls!
Adrienne of Adrienneats for sharing delicious recipes coupled with mouth-watering original photography that inspire me to eat my veggies
A final thanks goes out to the sweet darlings who gave me this shout out-
Mackenzie of Design Darling who is currently romping around Europe and being so gracious as to share her adventures allowing for those like me to live vicariously! She's also learning to speak French, and if you know me, you know my obsession for toutes les choses francaises!
And In Sniff's Choos, who I'm hoping has made it back safely, despite the volcanic ash, from her fabulous trip to the Apple! She has a major obsession with shoes, which we can all relate to and has a strength that can only come from surviving breast cancer!
Cheers to you both!! :)
Congratulations on your award!!! You absolutely deserve it! I love your blog and love stopping by. THANK YOU SO MUCH for nominating me as well!! I am so happy, grateful and so surprised! I love all the photos you chose to accompany your post as well. That photo of NYC with the lipstick on it is magical ;)
I also had no idea that you volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and ran the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Team in Training! That is so amazing, I am in awe of you and inspired to do something to give back. Thank you Cup of Te!!!
thanks 4 sharing your 7 favourites! I especially love the paper men/women helping each other. Wonderful photo!
Warm regards, Carolyn
Congratulations on the award! Great list -I can relate to your #1 ;-)
Love your blog -I'll be back again! :)
lovely list :) so happy you posted! i'm so inspired by your "sticking it to the man" — you seem all the better for it!
Congratulations! I always love to hear a few extra things about fellow bloggers and your infos are really interesting.
Awwww, I'm so touched to have been included! What a great list you have here. Love the giving back (go Habitat!) and big dreams and pearls and well, all of it! My fiance is a 1/4 Filipino and one of my best friends from school in Switzerland is 100% and lives in Manila. He makes the best Filipino food and always sends me beautiful pearls : ) Okay, sorry for rambling... xoxo katie
congrats on your award & it's an honor to be a recipient of the torch!!! Thanks so much :)
What a great way to write the awards post. Loved it! And thank you so much for your kind words. I made it back safely and will be putting up posts about my trip in the coming days. :)
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